The Kyogen Theater, of which we are actors, is the oldest theater in Japan. Perhaps you can even say that this is one of the oldest theaters in the world.…

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In today's world, traditional clothing naturally gives way to a European dress. Kimono is also subject to change. Now it is made using modern dyeing and weaving technologies. Its decoration…

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Christians versus Samurai: What caused the bloodiest rebellion in Japanese history
Japan is traditionally associated with two religions - Shintoism and Buddhism. But in fact, Christianity has existed in it for several centuries. True, the relations between Japan and Christianity are…

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number of metro


Whatever skeptics say, we cherish our memories. But do we ourselves know about this? Acquired life experience is nothing more than a collection of memories. Both the good ones, pushing for activity in the same direction in which we liked to go once, and the bad ones, taking a step on a curved path.

But is it possible to choose one, only one memory, with which you would stay forever, and lose everything, forget, erase everything else?

Employees of one celestial office help to answer this question to just dead people, giving them only three days to choose, in the film by Japanese director Hirokazu Kore-eda / After Life / After life /, which premiered on our television not so long ago. After all, it is this very unique memory that will determine the new karma of rebirth … Continue reading

Underground Japan – A New Look

In Japan, a lot of interesting things are happening underground. The population of the country is large, and there is not much land, therefore, since the 70s, they have been searching for various ways to use the underground space. Now the number of metro passengers is 10 million people every day, there are many shops in the underground streets, communication signals are transmitted through underground cables and pipes, and energy is transmitted … Our essays will lead you underground and allow you to look deep into Japan.

Creating underground comfort
In the center of almost any big city in Japan there are crowded underground areas. Some of them are busy Continue reading

In search of explanations of actual reality, social researchers are increasingly turning to the analysis of media products. The history of this interest is closely connected with the development of…


Who do you think this is? “Born before” preserves the wisdom of generations and transfers it to others. They go to him for advice. He is respected and loved. This…


The most popular Japanese drummer band YAMATO in the world
Yamato, the world's most popular group of Japanese drummers, celebrates its anniversary in Moscow - 20 years of the show! On April 4, 5 and 7 in Moscow, on the…
