Mores in Japan
If it’s good, one isn’t enough, and if it’s bad, two are enough. The first man and first woman, in the understanding of the Japanese, is the god Idaanami and…

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The Japanese term "Kagura" consists of two characters, the first of which means "Divine", "sparkling", and the second - in this context - "music". This is the name of cult…

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Japanese genre movie. Pink eig
Pinku eigu (literally - “pink film”) is a direction in Japanese cinema that exploits the theme of a woman in criminal circumstances, containing a large number of scenes of violence…

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broader sense

Japanese composer Jo Hisaishi

Japanese composer Joe Hisaishi
Jo Hisaishi (久 石 譲 Hisaishi Jo 🙂 December 6, 1950, Nagano) – one of the most famous Japanese composers. The real name is Mamoru Fujisawa (藤澤 п). Hisaishi Joe is a pseudonym that phonetically mimics the name of the American composer Quincy Jones.

Joe Hisaishi Biography
Hisaishi began playing music at the age of five, taking violin lessons. Hisaishi became interested in musical minimalism, which determined the characteristic sound of his music, while studying at a music college, where he entered in 1969 to study composer. He released his first album, Information, in 1982. In 1983, Hisaishi recommended Hayao Miyazaki to write an accompanying album for the Nausicaa of the Valley of the Winds Continue reading

What is modern popular music in Japan?

The concept of modern Japanese pop music in a broader sense also refers to Japanese rock music, which is why many Japanese rock musicians rank some of their work as J-Pop. But basically, still this concept is used only in relation to Japanese pop music. J-Pop along with anime, etc. etc. became one of the cult elements of modern Japanese culture. Actually, one of the main reasons for popularizing this trend in the West was the use of J-Pop in anime and other Japanese screen products.

What is modern popular music in Japan?

Japanese rock music
J-Rock (Japanese rock) is a generic name for rock music styles that are common in Japan. Often confused with Continue reading

Christians versus Samurai: What caused the bloodiest rebellion in Japanese history
Japan is traditionally associated with two religions - Shintoism and Buddhism. But in fact, Christianity has existed in it for several centuries. True, the relations between Japan and Christianity are…


Whatever skeptics say, we cherish our memories. But do we ourselves know about this? Acquired life experience is nothing more than a collection of memories. Both the good ones, pushing…


Cultural leisure and the rules of its passage
In light clothing, with a backpack on my shoulder in the early morning of the summer month of August, I walked unhurriedly out of the anthracite building of the Kyoto…
