Having bought an amazing enameled vase decorated with a figure of some deity as a Christmas present for my daughter, I wanted to find out who is depicted in this…

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Japanese Restaurant Menu
The theater, as you know, begins with a hanger, and restaurants in Japan with osinagaki, the menu. Externally, menus often resemble, without exaggeration, works of art. There are oshinagaki, which…

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Yamashita Tomohisa
Yamashita Tomohisa was born on April 9, 1985 in Funabashi, Chiba Prefecture, Japan The real name is Aoki Tomohisa, the name of Yamashita (mother's last name), Tomo took after his…

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theater in Japan


In search of explanations of actual reality, social researchers are increasingly turning to the analysis of media products. The history of this interest is closely connected with the development of the ideas of modern Marxists (neo-Marxists), who justified and proved that the media and mass culture, among other functions, contribute to the establishment and maintenance of the ideology of ruling groups.

One of the most dynamically developing research areas on this basis is visual research, the focus of which, for more than two decades, has been in cinema, design, television, advertising, including in connection with the analysis of various forms of sexuality presented there. At the same time, animated cinema, which traditionally refers to the sphere of childhood, where the topic of sexuality is not yet relevant, often remains outside the scope of researchers’ attention, which in our Continue reading


The Kyogen Theater, of which we are actors, is the oldest theater in Japan. Perhaps you can even say that this is one of the oldest theaters in the world. They say that Kyogen was born 600 years ago, and during these 600 years, the performances of the Kyogen theater are constantly played without interruption. But the Kyogen that you will see now, it is not played in exactly the same form as it was 600 years ago.

The fact is that our ancestors watched the performances of the Kyogen theater in the same way, with the same mood as you are watching, for example, modern performances, television programs or film programs. Just like today, in a modern theater, then themes changed every day, the performances played by the actors changed. And for 200 years, the Kyogen Theater has remained such a modern theater, the Continue reading

The Japanese term "Kagura" consists of two characters, the first of which means "Divine", "sparkling", and the second - in this context - "music". This is the name of cult…


What is the secret of the Japanese rock garden
The mystery of the disappearing fifteenth stone is, perhaps, the first thing the European has associated with the traditional Japanese “dry” garden. However, neither the "invisible" stone, nor "Mount Fuji",…


Japanese Restaurant Menu
The theater, as you know, begins with a hanger, and restaurants in Japan with osinagaki, the menu. Externally, menus often resemble, without exaggeration, works of art. There are oshinagaki, which…
