What to try in Japan?
The country has managed to maintain ancient traditions, but at the same time prefers to follow the ultramodern development path. Here, the cities of the future strangely coexist with the…

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What to see in Japan
For most of the inhabitants of the planet Earth, Japan is, first of all, high technologies, modern architecture, TV towers piercing the sky, high-speed trains, densely populated cities. In fact…

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Why Japan has left-hand traffic
This question is, of course, burning. It becomes especially relevant when, after a short stay in Japan, you suddenly find yourself thinking that you can’t part with the Japanese in…

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taken a taxi


In 1996, the movie series Y. Yamada “It’s hard for a man” (“Otoko wa tsuray yo”) got into the Guinness Book of Records as the longest series of films with the same movie star in the title role. The series glorified its author, the actors who starred in it (K. Atsumi, T. Baisho, S. .. Morikawa, H. Dazai, G. Maeda, R. Sato and others), for decades ensured the popularity of the Setiku film studio, the protagonist the series (Torajiro Kuruma) became almost the national hero of Japan, at the scene of the series in the Shibamata district (Katsushika administrative district, Tokyo), where the main events of the film took Continue reading

Japanese taxi

We once sat down, out of inexperience, in a Japanese taxi; it was necessary to ride to the nearest department store in an unfamiliar city … If someone thinks that we did not like the trip, then he is mistaken. I also liked the price tag, since then I haven’t taken a taxi in Japan, it’s better to walk or ride a bicycle.

The main joke of Japanese cities, which is faced by a foreigner who first came to Japan, remains the order of numbering of buildings. On the same street, quite calmly, two steps away from each other, there can be, say, building No. 1 and No. 25. All this is because the numbering is carried out on the streets of Japanese cities according to the seniority of buildings. Which house was built before, that will be the first in order. Therefore, without knowing exactly where which building is located, getting lost in Japanese megacities such as Tokyo is a couple of nonsense. Continue reading

Mores in Japan
If it’s good, one isn’t enough, and if it’s bad, two are enough. The first man and first woman, in the understanding of the Japanese, is the god Idaanami and…


Hentai History of the genre (18+)
The appearance and development of hentai, pornographic manga and anime, is largely due to the specifically Japanese cultural and historical attitude to aesthetics and sexuality. Manga and anime in Japan…


In today's world, traditional clothing naturally gives way to a European dress. Kimono is also subject to change. Now it is made using modern dyeing and weaving technologies. Its decoration…
