In search of explanations of actual reality, social researchers are increasingly turning to the analysis of media products. The history of this interest is closely connected with the development of…

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The building of the Theater School of Dramatic Art Theater on Sretenka is not just a wall. This is a huge bright space, getting into which, a person immediately becomes…

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Toshiro Mifune
Here is the scenario for a movie someone should make. If they can get Toshiro Mifune for it, he'd be terrific as the lead: September, 1945. The war has just…

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Japanese genre movie. Pink eig

Pinku eigu (literally – “pink film”) is a direction in Japanese cinema that exploits the theme of a woman in criminal circumstances, containing a large number of scenes of violence and erotic content. The peak of popularity was in the early 1970s. Sometimes Western film experts completely identify pink eig with films of the Sexploitation category or even with Softcore pornographyruen (“easy” pornography), but the cinema of Europe or America has no real analogues in this direction. “The West does not know anything about these films, and it shouldn’t know”, American film expert Donald Ritchie once said. The term “Pinky” was first coined in 1963 by journalist Murai Minoru, but became common only in the late 1960s. In the early 1970s, Japanese criticism in relation to the features of the projects of various studios began to single out two more related areas – Pinky Continue reading

Yakuza Eyga

Yakuza Eyga (Jap. ヤ ク ザ 映 画, literally – gangster cinema) is a Japanese cinema genre dedicated to the yakuza, at different times allowing either heroization or absolute denial of these characters. In the 1960s and the first half of the 1970s, the genre absolutely dominated the film distribution of this country.

The formation of the genre
In the era of silent cinema, films about bakuto, the forerunners of modern yakuza, became widespread in Japan. Most often, the plots were dedicated to fictional or real historical characters, to noble lone robbers who came to the defense of peasants oppressed by the authorities. For example, at least 8 films were dedicated to the semi-legendary hero from the time of the Tokugawa clan Tyuji Continue reading

Japanese composer Jo Hisaishi

Japanese composer Joe Hisaishi
Jo Hisaishi (久 石 譲 Hisaishi Jo 🙂 December 6, 1950, Nagano) – one of the most famous Japanese composers. The real name is Mamoru Fujisawa (藤澤 п). Hisaishi Joe is a pseudonym that phonetically mimics the name of the American composer Quincy Jones.

Joe Hisaishi Biography
Hisaishi began playing music at the age of five, taking violin lessons. Hisaishi became interested in musical minimalism, which determined the characteristic sound of his music, while studying at a music college, where he entered in 1969 to study composer. He released his first album, Information, in 1982. In 1983, Hisaishi recommended Hayao Miyazaki to write an accompanying album for the Nausicaa of the Valley of the Winds Continue reading

Who do you think this is? “Born before” preserves the wisdom of generations and transfers it to others. They go to him for advice. He is respected and loved. This…


Why Japan has left-hand traffic
This question is, of course, burning. It becomes especially relevant when, after a short stay in Japan, you suddenly find yourself thinking that you can’t part with the Japanese in…


Christians versus Samurai: What caused the bloodiest rebellion in Japanese history
Japan is traditionally associated with two religions - Shintoism and Buddhism. But in fact, Christianity has existed in it for several centuries. True, the relations between Japan and Christianity are…
