Did Jesus really escape execution, get married and live in Japan: Museum in the village of Shingo
650 km north of Tokyo you can find the tiny village of Shingo, which locals consider the last refuge of Jesus Christ. Allegedly among the quiet hills of this place…

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Yamashita Tomohisa
Yamashita Tomohisa was born on April 9, 1985 in Funabashi, Chiba Prefecture, Japan The real name is Aoki Tomohisa, the name of Yamashita (mother's last name), Tomo took after his…

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Christians versus Samurai: What caused the bloodiest rebellion in Japanese history
Japan is traditionally associated with two religions - Shintoism and Buddhism. But in fact, Christianity has existed in it for several centuries. True, the relations between Japan and Christianity are…

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Carey Tagawa

Why is summer and autumn the best time to travel in Japan?

There is probably no other country in the world that could achieve such technological progress and at the same time maintain millennial traditions. It is interesting to come to Japan for the tenth and twentieth time – this country will always have something to surprise even the most advanced traveler. People come to Japan for interesting national culture, unusual architecture and gastronomy, as well as for nature, which is very cherished here.
Japan is interesting in any season, but it is most comfortable here in spring and autumn. In the summer, as a rule, it is quite hot, and walks in the sights can be combined with a vacation on the beach, going to the coast. Sakura blooms in spring, and there is no crowding among tourists from all over the world. In the fall, comfortable weather sets in, and there are fewer tourists than in the spring. This is an ideal season for walking, because all over the country maple leaves turn purple in color, the season of “momiji” begins. Continue reading

Anime and Manga as Contemporary Art in Japan

What is anime and manga? The simplest definition looks like this:
Manga are Japanese comics.
Anime is a Japanese animation.

It is often believed that the terms “manga” and “anime” are limited to some genres (fiction, fantasy) and graphic styles (realism, “big eyes”). This is not true. The terms “manga” and “anime” define only the basic culture on the basis of which the corresponding works are created.

There is not a single country in the world in which such attention is paid to comics and animation. The creators of the popular Japanese comics are very wealthy people (Takahashi Rumiko is one of the richest women in Japan), the most famous of them are national celebrities, manga makes up about a quarter of all printed materials produced in Japan Continue reading

Hentai History of the genre (18+)

The appearance and development of hentai, pornographic manga and anime, is largely due to the specifically Japanese cultural and historical attitude to aesthetics and sexuality. Manga and anime in Japan in their modern form began to emerge during and after World War II. Modern hentai was only developed in the 1970s, when manga began to commercialize, and the readership, who managed to fall in love with it in childhood, grew up. To attract readers again, mangaki began to include elements of eroticism and bloody scenes in their works. Japanese laws from the Second World War until the early 1990s prohibited the graphic representation of genitals, so the creators of hentai, like any other product containing pornographic elements, were forced to partially censor them or to depict them schematically or symbolically. Flowers and shells symbolized the woman’s vagina, and snakes, fruits, vegetables – the male penis. Other techniques were also used, for example, the genitals were covered with aesthetic Continue reading

In the near future, the Japanese government plans to put into circulation new-type banknotes with new "faces." Gradually, such money will supersede the existing banknotes of the 1984 model. An…


Her Majesty Postage Stamp! It is a unique invention in itself. And she appeared at the behest of the time. Rather - at the behest of economic progress. The vigorously…


Having bought an amazing enameled vase decorated with a figure of some deity as a Christmas present for my daughter, I wanted to find out who is depicted in this…
