Why is summer and autumn the best time to travel in Japan?
There is probably no other country in the world that could achieve such technological progress and at the same time maintain millennial traditions. It is interesting to come to Japan…

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The Kyogen Theater, of which we are actors, is the oldest theater in Japan. Perhaps you can even say that this is one of the oldest theaters in the world.…

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Hentai History of the genre (18+)
The appearance and development of hentai, pornographic manga and anime, is largely due to the specifically Japanese cultural and historical attitude to aesthetics and sexuality. Manga and anime in Japan…

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What to bring with you to Japan?

If you are planning a trip but don’t know what to bring to Japan, be sure to check out this article. Although the main advice for all travelers is not to overdo things, you should be very careful about the contents of the suitcase. At the same time, you should not be upset in advance if something from everyday objects suddenly stays at home – in Japan you can easily buy any missing trifle.

What to bring with you to Japan: items of prime importance
Valid passport.
Visa. To enter Japan, Russian citizens require a visa. It can be issued independently or by contacting a travel agency. Please note: at least 6 months must remain before the expiry of the passport.
Flights We advise you to have paper copies of return tickets with you, so that, if necessary, present them to Japanese border guards.
Confirmation of reservation at the hotel. The presence of a printout will be useful both to you personally Continue reading

What to try in Japan?

The country has managed to maintain ancient traditions, but at the same time prefers to follow the ultramodern development path. Here, the cities of the future strangely coexist with the wonders of nature, and martial arts are taught in schools along with programming. Like everything in Japan, local dishes are admirable.
Japan is a world of unimaginable contrasts. The country has managed to maintain ancient traditions, but at the same time prefers to follow the ultramodern development path. Here, the cities of the future strangely coexist with the wonders of nature, and martial arts are taught in schools along with programming. Like everything in Japan, local dishes are admirable. Traditional goodies are often quite nutritious and consist predominantly of fresh seasonal produce. So, let’s choose the most popular dishes, Continue reading

Yakuza Eyga

Yakuza Eyga (Jap. ヤ ク ザ 映 画, literally – gangster cinema) is a Japanese cinema genre dedicated to the yakuza, at different times allowing either heroization or absolute denial of these characters. In the 1960s and the first half of the 1970s, the genre absolutely dominated the film distribution of this country.

The formation of the genre
In the era of silent cinema, films about bakuto, the forerunners of modern yakuza, became widespread in Japan. Most often, the plots were dedicated to fictional or real historical characters, to noble lone robbers who came to the defense of peasants oppressed by the authorities. For example, at least 8 films were dedicated to the semi-legendary hero from the time of the Tokugawa clan Tyuji Continue reading

ABS and other delights of Japanese civilization
When I was in the country of Hipponia (I hope no one needs to explain where it is :)) it came out, which means that the case is so unprepossessing,…


In today's world, traditional clothing naturally gives way to a European dress. Kimono is also subject to change. Now it is made using modern dyeing and weaving technologies. Its decoration…


Japanese genre movie. Yakuza Eyga
The Yakuza movie screening followed two canons: Yakuza - noble fighters against evil, and Yakuza - greedy villains. From a historical point of view, both positions are justified. The early…
