Her Majesty Postage Stamp! It is a unique invention in itself. And she appeared at the behest of the time. Rather - at the behest of economic progress. The vigorously…

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Japanese taxi
We once sat down, out of inexperience, in a Japanese taxi; it was necessary to ride to the nearest department store in an unfamiliar city ... If someone thinks that…

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What is modern popular music in Japan?
The concept of modern Japanese pop music in a broader sense also refers to Japanese rock music, which is why many Japanese rock musicians rank some of their work as…

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the forerunners

Yakuza Eyga

Yakuza Eyga (Jap. ヤ ク ザ 映 画, literally – gangster cinema) is a Japanese cinema genre dedicated to the yakuza, at different times allowing either heroization or absolute denial of these characters. In the 1960s and the first half of the 1970s, the genre absolutely dominated the film distribution of this country.

The formation of the genre
In the era of silent cinema, films about bakuto, the forerunners of modern yakuza, became widespread in Japan. Most often, the plots were dedicated to fictional or real historical characters, to noble lone robbers who came to the defense of peasants oppressed by the authorities. For example, at least 8 films were dedicated to the semi-legendary hero from the time of the Tokugawa clan Tyuji Continue reading

How Japanese Schindler in the USSR saved thousands of Jews from concentration camps: Tiune Sugihara
Thanks to the 1993 Oscar-winning film directed by Stephen Spielberg, the whole world learned the story of Oscar Schindler, a German businessman and member of the Nazi party who saved…


What to try in Japan?
The country has managed to maintain ancient traditions, but at the same time prefers to follow the ultramodern development path. Here, the cities of the future strangely coexist with the…


What is modern popular music in Japan?
The concept of modern Japanese pop music in a broader sense also refers to Japanese rock music, which is why many Japanese rock musicians rank some of their work as…
