In 1996, the movie series Y. Yamada "It's hard for a man" ("Otoko wa tsuray yo") got into the Guinness Book of Records as the longest series of films with…

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With this pensive, phlegmatic (as it seemed to me when I first met) man I first met in the summer of 2000, during the Moscow Theater Olympics. Having put Meterlinka's…

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Underground Japan - A New Look
In Japan, a lot of interesting things are happening underground. The population of the country is large, and there is not much land, therefore, since the 70s, they have been…

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became interested

Toshiro Mifune

Here is the scenario for a movie someone should make. If they can get Toshiro Mifune for it, he’d be terrific as the lead:

September, 1945. The war has just ended and Japan is in ruins. A young man, twenty five years old, discharged from the defeated Imperial Air Force leaves the rural air base in Kyushu where he had been stationed. What next? Where should he go? Born and raised in Manchuria, he had never lived in Japan. Although Japanese, he was a stranger in an alien land. His parents were dead, he had no relatives he knew about, no home to return to, no one to take him in. Back in middle school he had helped out around his father’s studio in china, and as a flier he’d done some aerial photography during the war. Maybe he could find work as a photographer in Tokyo. Continue reading

Carey Hiroyuki Tagawa

Carey Hiroyuki Tagawa is a Hollywood actor, Japanese by birth, who became famous for his work in the films Pearl Harbor, Memoirs of a Geisha, Hachiko: The Most Faithful Friend.

Actor Carey Hiroyuki Tagawa
The main role of the artist, in which his viewers are used to seeing, is a negative character, as a rule, a villain, a representative of the mafia. But as Tagawa himself assures, in life he remains a sentimental person who can easily weep, and the warlike appearance is just a mask, he saves it for work in the movies.

Childhood and youth
Carey-Hiroyuki Tagawa (better known as Carey Tagawa) was born in Tokyo in September 1950 in the Continue reading

Did Jesus really escape execution, get married and live in Japan: Museum in the village of Shingo
650 km north of Tokyo you can find the tiny village of Shingo, which locals consider the last refuge of Jesus Christ. Allegedly among the quiet hills of this place…


What is modern popular music in Japan?
The concept of modern Japanese pop music in a broader sense also refers to Japanese rock music, which is why many Japanese rock musicians rank some of their work as…


Did Jesus really escape execution, get married and live in Japan: Museum in the village of Shingo
650 km north of Tokyo you can find the tiny village of Shingo, which locals consider the last refuge of Jesus Christ. Allegedly among the quiet hills of this place…
