Mores in Japan
If it’s good, one isn’t enough, and if it’s bad, two are enough. The first man and first woman, in the understanding of the Japanese, is the god Idaanami and…

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Underground Japan - A New Look
In Japan, a lot of interesting things are happening underground. The population of the country is large, and there is not much land, therefore, since the 70s, they have been…

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With this pensive, phlegmatic (as it seemed to me when I first met) man I first met in the summer of 2000, during the Moscow Theater Olympics. Having put Meterlinka's…

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was nominated

Japanese genre movie. Yakuza Eyga

The Yakuza movie screening followed two canons: Yakuza – noble fighters against evil, and Yakuza – greedy villains. From a historical point of view, both positions are justified. The early Yakuza (17-18th century) deserve to be romanticized even more than samurai. Then they were the lone outsiders hired by the peasants to fight the unbridled ronin and samurai in the civil service (hence the first friction with the law). Peasants often could not pay, so such self-defense units earned their living by playing games (8-9-3 or “i-ku-dza” – a losing combination) or small-scale trading. But then the Yakuza began to unite, pay more attention to making money, and the team does not lead to anything good. Therefore, by the beginning of the 20th century, the Yakuza began to become like ordinary bandits, and in the years after the Second World War Continue reading

What is modern popular music in Japan?

The concept of modern Japanese pop music in a broader sense also refers to Japanese rock music, which is why many Japanese rock musicians rank some of their work as J-Pop. But basically, still this concept is used only in relation to Japanese pop music. J-Pop along with anime, etc. etc. became one of the cult elements of modern Japanese culture. Actually, one of the main reasons for popularizing this trend in the West was the use of J-Pop in anime and other Japanese screen products.

What is modern popular music in Japan?

Japanese rock music
J-Rock (Japanese rock) is a generic name for rock music styles that are common in Japan. Often confused with Continue reading

Hiroyuki Sanada

Hiroyuki Sanada (Hiroyuki Sanada) – Japanese actor, in demand not only in the homeland, but also in Hollywood. Known for the films “The Shadow Samurai”, “The Last Samurai”, “Rush Hour 3”, “Hell”, “Call”, the television series “Lost.”

Hiroyuki was born on October 12, 1960 in Tokyo. Acting craft, a young man comprehended under the guidance of the famous Japanese actor Sonny Chiba in Japan Action Club. Within the walls of this institution, Hiroyuki Shimosawa changed his last name to the pseudonym Sanada. For the first time in the movie, Hiroyuki starred at the age of 14, playing a rather large role in the drama “The Executioner” (1974), where his teacher Sonny Chiba played the main role. The legendary actor in many ways became the guide of the young Hiroyuki to the world of Japanese cinema. So, at the age of 18, Hiroyuki appeared in another film with Chib in the title role – the fantastic action movie “Message from Space” (1978).

It should be noted that from a young age, Sanada planned to play action films, so the student underwent impressive training in basic martial arts. Therefore, it was not difficult for a young Japanese to play the action Continue reading

How Japanese Schindler in the USSR saved thousands of Jews from concentration camps: Tiune Sugihara
Thanks to the 1993 Oscar-winning film directed by Stephen Spielberg, the whole world learned the story of Oscar Schindler, a German businessman and member of the Nazi party who saved…


Toshiro Mifune
Here is the scenario for a movie someone should make. If they can get Toshiro Mifune for it, he'd be terrific as the lead: September, 1945. The war has just…


Underground Japan - A New Look
In Japan, a lot of interesting things are happening underground. The population of the country is large, and there is not much land, therefore, since the 70s, they have been…
