What to see in Japan
For most of the inhabitants of the planet Earth, Japan is, first of all, high technologies, modern architecture, TV towers piercing the sky, high-speed trains, densely populated cities. In fact…

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The discovery of archaeological sites with ceramics of about 13 thousand years old on the Japanese islands in the early 60s was at that time a real world sensation, refuting…

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What is modern popular music in Japan?
The concept of modern Japanese pop music in a broader sense also refers to Japanese rock music, which is why many Japanese rock musicians rank some of their work as…

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carefree vagabond


In 1996, the movie series Y. Yamada “It’s hard for a man” (“Otoko wa tsuray yo”) got into the Guinness Book of Records as the longest series of films with the same movie star in the title role. The series glorified its author, the actors who starred in it (K. Atsumi, T. Baisho, S. .. Morikawa, H. Dazai, G. Maeda, R. Sato and others), for decades ensured the popularity of the Setiku film studio, the protagonist the series (Torajiro Kuruma) became almost the national hero of Japan, at the scene of the series in the Shibamata district (Katsushika administrative district, Tokyo), where the main events of the film took Continue reading

Japanese taxi
We once sat down, out of inexperience, in a Japanese taxi; it was necessary to ride to the nearest department store in an unfamiliar city ... If someone thinks that…


Christians versus Samurai: What caused the bloodiest rebellion in Japanese history
Japan is traditionally associated with two religions - Shintoism and Buddhism. But in fact, Christianity has existed in it for several centuries. True, the relations between Japan and Christianity are…


What to see in Japan
For most of the inhabitants of the planet Earth, Japan is, first of all, high technologies, modern architecture, TV towers piercing the sky, high-speed trains, densely populated cities. In fact…
