Carey Hiroyuki Tagawa
Carey Hiroyuki Tagawa is a Hollywood actor, Japanese by birth, who became famous for his work in the films Pearl Harbor, Memoirs of a Geisha, Hachiko: The Most Faithful Friend.…

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The most popular Japanese drummer band YAMATO in the world
Yamato, the world's most popular group of Japanese drummers, celebrates its anniversary in Moscow - 20 years of the show! On April 4, 5 and 7 in Moscow, on the…

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Christians versus Samurai: What caused the bloodiest rebellion in Japanese history
Japan is traditionally associated with two religions - Shintoism and Buddhism. But in fact, Christianity has existed in it for several centuries. True, the relations between Japan and Christianity are…

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ABS and other delights of Japanese civilization

When I was in the country of Hipponia (I hope no one needs to explain where it is :)) it came out, which means that the case is so unprepossessing, long remaining in my memory. Before turning to the essence, put the salt, so to speak, on the table, let’s pepper our cultural dish (a monument to the one who can quickly pronounce this rebus the first time) by retreat.

Once the Japanese realized that around them is not just the ocean, but full of different people living. Probably this happened when one Japanese, once again leaving the office, opened his eyes. And then he saw that more than one job is alive man … In general, every nation discovers America, and some do it constantly and not only geographically. It came to our miserable neighbors that ancient Japanese culture is good, and American culture is a cool rulez.

And away we go, in the cities and villages of Hipponia, a new fashion has gone. Who eyes, then, expanded plastically, who ruled his legs (I’m talking about Japanese ladies), and who, dressed in a bunch of multi-colored shapeless fabric, painted his head in red color, spoke in very distorted English and began to rejoice. The latter survived among many other ways of expressing themselves.

So I had one familiar yap, a red-haired miracle (without feathers, but still), although such an adequate, normal kid is understandable in itself, if this can be said in relation to the Japanese. So he understood that if you want to be cool in a local party, make yourself familiar gaijins, talk to them exponentially, and you will be happy.

Whoever is not in the know, gaijins are you and I. Any foreigner in Japan (even a Chinese with a Korean) is gaijin. So in Hipponia we are not people, we are gaijins, there is something to fall into joy with.

Well, this very advanced Japanese (the rest didn’t have enough trouble to stir up such topics) created a club for communication with foreigners. The bottom line is as simple as a Succan cucumber: they collect local gaijins and take them to a collective picnic with yapes. Tricksters, huh? Well, we, we, too, are not born.

I sat with the boys in his burgundy Carib, so clean and tidy, and we drove to the sea, which was located about 30 kilometers from the city.

Question for lemon: how much time does it take on a free road to cover such a distance on a hot summer day to a normal Russian person? That’s right, half an hour from strength. We drove two and a half hours with a maximum permitted speed of 40 km / h. In general, I’m two in five, what is the high-speed limit in Japan, but such a trip can even bring about a brake on life. And it’s not that he was not hot (although the condom threshed be healthy), not that he didn’t want to plunge headlong into the refreshing blue of the sea waves, simply, in short, he’s such a dandy.

While we were driving, I managed to notice that the roads between the hills are very narrow, sometimes it seems that the two Kruzak will not go apart, in addition, the turns are almost always very sharp, and even the road goes up and down, and you don’t understand where. You don’t have to be a genius in order to realize that in such conditions there is no place for the soul to take a walk, here, probably, they drive slowly. But I was deeply mistaken …

Something will fall from the steep slopes on both sides of the road, but our neighbors were quick to make it. In particularly dangerous places, the slopes are covered with a solid steel mesh, and even skillfully disguised as grass so that you can not always distinguish it. In some places, roads were hollowed in the rock, and not led along natural hollows, but even there the Japanese showed miracles of ingenuity and aesthetics. Sheer walls were neatly covered with concrete, and even styled like natural stone. Cool actually, the eye pleases; it happened that you were driving past this gray wall, and there’s a niche in it, and there the figure of the patron saint hid, and the incense stick smokes quietly, civilization …

Do you go and think why we don’t have this? And then you wave your hand, the main thing is she can’t beat in the hearts of the steering wheel, the consequences can be irreversible :). Still, our homeland is our homeland, there is no other, and we love it.

All the cortex began on. We arrived at the beach, and there no one was sunbathing, all under the awnings, all dressed up huddled. The Japanese believe that white skin is good, but tanning is bad. So do not panic too much if you see a Japanese woman walking around under an umbrella, believe me, she did not go crazy, and she also has everything in her house, just her own ideas about beauty, and they must be respected. There is really a separate part of the female population of Hipponia, which adheres to a radically different outlook on things, but not about them now.

We got out of the car, took off our clothes – and into the sea. Well … They have it warmer than ours, like fresh milk, grace … sin, as they say, can’t plunge into such a sea. Only there is a problem: at the end of August, it seems, a cloud of jellyfish comes to the western coast of Japan, so it’s better not to meddle in the tempting warm Japanese water.

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