In today's world, traditional clothing naturally gives way to a European dress. Kimono is also subject to change. Now it is made using modern dyeing and weaving technologies. Its decoration…

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Secrets of "Japanese Disney": Why Hayao Miyazaki's cartoons are so different from Western
The great master of Japanese animation creates completely unique works. Each of his films immerses the viewer in a separate, fully-fledged world. It seems that outside the frame, its inhabitants…

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Why Japan has left-hand traffic
This question is, of course, burning. It becomes especially relevant when, after a short stay in Japan, you suddenly find yourself thinking that you can’t part with the Japanese in…

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greater success

Japanese taxi

We once sat down, out of inexperience, in a Japanese taxi; it was necessary to ride to the nearest department store in an unfamiliar city … If someone thinks that we did not like the trip, then he is mistaken. I also liked the price tag, since then I haven’t taken a taxi in Japan, it’s better to walk or ride a bicycle.

The main joke of Japanese cities, which is faced by a foreigner who first came to Japan, remains the order of numbering of buildings. On the same street, quite calmly, two steps away from each other, there can be, say, building No. 1 and No. 25. All this is because the numbering is carried out on the streets of Japanese cities according to the seniority of buildings. Which house was built before, that will be the first in order. Therefore, without knowing exactly where which building is located, getting lost in Japanese megacities such as Tokyo is a couple of nonsense. Continue reading

Why Japan has left-hand traffic

This question is, of course, burning. It becomes especially relevant when, after a short stay in Japan, you suddenly find yourself thinking that you can’t part with the Japanese in any way out of the blue – you’re constantly confronted. Moving along Japanese streets on a bicycle, you feel an inner need to “take to the right.” Over time, this sad habit passes, but sometimes at the most inopportune moment makes itself felt. Sometimes this leads to sad consequences; I personally once somehow was hit by a machine in Kyoto.

I started digging the question of Japanese leftism gradually, without fanaticism; word for word – something was gradually collected. Asking the Japanese themselves is bad. Firstly, it doesn’t occur to most of their nation that in other countries they can drive on the right side of the road. You tell them – they will open their eyes and with a zero expression on their faces they nod their heads. Continue reading

Mores in Japan

If it’s good, one isn’t enough, and if it’s bad, two are enough.

The first man and first woman, in the understanding of the Japanese, is the god Idaanami and the goddess Izanami. It is not known how they were born. But the touching dialogue following this is known. Izanangi: “How is your body made?” Izanami: “My body grew, grew, but there is a place that never grew.” Izanangi: “My body grew and grew, but there is a place that has grown too much. Therefore, I think, I have a place on my body that has grown too much, put in a place that you haven’t grown on your body, and give birth to a country. Well how shall we give birth? ” Izanami: “That’ll be fine.” So the islands of the Japanese archipelago appeared. Continue reading

Christians versus Samurai: What caused the bloodiest rebellion in Japanese history
Japan is traditionally associated with two religions - Shintoism and Buddhism. But in fact, Christianity has existed in it for several centuries. True, the relations between Japan and Christianity are…


The discovery of archaeological sites with ceramics of about 13 thousand years old on the Japanese islands in the early 60s was at that time a real world sensation, refuting…


Whatever skeptics say, we cherish our memories. But do we ourselves know about this? Acquired life experience is nothing more than a collection of memories. Both the good ones, pushing…
